Planning Through Crisis
Warren Chamber Webinar Series
We're Shut Down,
Now What?
We get it, this is not what any leader expected they would be faced with. In these challenging times we are being called to lead our organizations into uncharted territory. Let’s be honest, there is no roadmap for what your organization is going through and even the best laid plans didn’t plan for this.
Cash Now: Fundraising Strategies During Crisis
In these unprecedented times, the importance of cash to continue your operations to serve your clients is unparalleled. We compiled a checklist for you to consider that includes such steps as re-purposing gifts (with donor approval), identifying ways to maintain donor gifts and securing much needed cash now or in the near future.
Going Virtual:
Strategies for
Program Sustainability
This short (30 minute) webinar provides a framework to help you think through how to transition your programs and services to a virtual model. Participants will learn about how to think through program goals, outcomes and delivery in alternative settings as well as how to utilize technology to support program delivery.
Finding Our New Normal:
Updating Your Strategic
and Operating Plans
This short (30 minute) webinar walks through the key strategic questions that should be asked and answered by every organization as we move through the Co-Vid 19 crisis of 2020. With this new reality, many of our current strategic and operating plans are no longer relevant –